Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT, or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, is a kind of talking therapy. It has been proved to help treat a wide range of emotional and physical health conditions in adults, young people and children. CBT looks at how we think about a situation and how this affects the way that we act. In turn our actions can affect our thinking and mood.

The CBT therapist and client work collaboratively on reworking past thinking approaches and resulting actions that keep being repeated, only because they feel like the right thing to do in a given situation to bring about emotional equilibrium.There is a great deal of research evidence to show that CBT works effectively in treating depression and anxiety. This research has been carefully reviewed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).NICE provides independent, evidence-based guidance for the NHS on the most effective ways to treat disease and ill health. CBT is recommended by NICE for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

We will work together usually for a minimum of 3 sessions, in a space that provides the support you require to explore your thinking and learn tools and techniques for reducing stress, coping with anxiety, and eliminating depression to open the path to creating the life you would like. I will help you become less fearful and more trusting in you. Imagine the freedom to choose what you would like to experience in life and feeling empowered to make it happen.

The healing and change does not take place only during our sessions together. You will be asked to do some activities and “homework” between each session by practising techniques and skills to help you get the most from your therapy sessions with me.

What’s key is that we both feel comfortable working together, as some of the stuff that can come up in a session can be quite deep and personal, often with an emotional charge.  I don’t judge you for your life or your experiences.  I assist and empower you to relax and enjoy your life more and feel more confident, capable, and resilient.

Everyone has different needs, and will be seeking a new or different direction. Together we will explore possibilities, traveling down the path together as you begin creating your life much more the way you would like it to be.

I will ask questions, challenge assumptions, allow you the space to make your choices and choose your priorities. I will also encourage and support you to try new things. Above all, I will help to make it as light and easy for you as I can.

Initial pre-chat

Prior to committing to work with me, I like to have a 15-minute pre-session discussion to meet and talk about what’s going on for you, how CBT can help, and whether we are good match for you and your healing journey.

What areas do you specialise in?

I believe more in working with people than specific issues, however I know that it can help to know someone has experience in an area you’re seeking support. The main areas I work with include:

  • stress, depression, and anxiety

  • men's mental health

  • fear and doubt

  • lgbtqia+ issues

  • sex and sexuality

  • self-confidence and self-esteem

  • setting goals and aims

Do I have to come to you?/Do you have to come to me?

My preference for CBT is face-to-face sessions but it's not the only way you can work with me. Thanks to the wonders of technology we can also arrange sessions over video conferencing (I use zoom)

We can use Zoom or work over the telephone instead of face-to-face, so distance is not a limitation and you can have a session from the comfort of your own home.  

How long is a session and how long will we work together.

Sessions are usually 50 minutes long. Depending upon your circumstances and situation, we’ll usually meet for at least 3 sessions, but will likely be something between 3-12 sessions. Sessions will be weekly, and ideally at the same time and day each week where possible.

How much is the investment in me?

I currently charge £45 for a 50-minute CBT session, but I also offer package deals where you pay in advance for a number of sessions to make things more affordable for you.

  • 1 x 50-minute session is £45

  • 3 x 50minute sessions is £120

  • 6 x 50-minute session is £230

1 x 50-Minute CBT session

Book now for one 50-minute CBT session in-person or online

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3 x 50-Minute CBT sessions

Pay in advance for three 50-minute CBT sessions in-person or online

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6 x 50-Minute CBT sessions

Pay in advance for six 50-minute CBT sessions in-person or online

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Contact me to arrange your pre-CBT chat